clownin 2008
Patronage: Johanna Dohnal, Minister for Women, ret.
Opening: Sandra Frauenberger, Councilwoman for Women
Introduction to Clown
Held by: LILA MONTI (clown, actress, director, teacher), from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Saturday, November 29th, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (6 hours with one break)
And Sunday, November 30th, 11 a.m. -6 p.m. (6 hours with one break)
At Grüne Galerie, Hermanngasse 25, 1070 Wien
Price: € 95,-- (without food) for both days
Number of participants: min. 10, max. 15 (for women and men)
Registration via Email:
Account number: 00510-035-607
BLZ: 60.000 (PSK)
IBAN: AT896000000510035607
The workshop is for adults who are interested in clowning. Beginners are welcome.
The workshop is held in english.
The workshop teaches the basics for beginner clowns.
For example, contact with the public, play and imagination, transforming impulse into action, handling joy and failure, improvisation (solo and group), etc.

Women in the conflicting fields of "art - humour - poverty"
Lectures and panel discussion
Monday, December 1st (6.30 p.m.)
At KosmosTheater
How poor must one be to lose their sense of humour?
How precarious do the circumstances have to be to lose the ability to laugh?
Is humour a question of money?
Is it possible to make good art, if one is poor?
Or is it only possible to make good art, if one is poor?
If poverty is female, why is art so male dominated?
Introductory presentations Yaara Perah (Israel), Geni Viegas (Brazil) and Barbara Kraus (Austria)
followed by a panel discussion
Moderation: Michaela Moser
Translation is provided. Free entry!
Web Clownin 08Kronen Zeitung Chaos, Charme und viel Perfidie Rote Nasen und Krieg à la Clown Netzstrümpfe statt Ringelsocken
Die Jüdische "Nehmt eure kugelsichere Weste mit" Wer hat Angst vor Clowninnen? Künstlerin bis in die Nasenspitze Zum eigenen Humor bekennen - und zu Schwächen Die Wahrheit durch die rote Nase sehen
punkt Es darf gelacht werden Clownfrauenfestival Frauenberger eröffnete Internationales Festival "clownin" in Wien
Ö1 online
ORF Wien online
a.viso 23.11.Winterzeit 2.12.
Ö1 - Leporello 02.12.
Radio Wien
Radio Arabella
Die Presse 1.12.
Die Presse 4.12.
Der Standard 1.12.
Wiener Zeitung 1.12.
Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung 5.12.
Kurier 8.12.
Kurier 28.11.
Die ganze Woche 29.11.
Falter 29.11.
Anschläge 12/06-01/07
Augustin 191
City 48/06
Österreich 1.12.
Österreich 4.12.
OK Graz 6.10.
OK Kärnten 6.10.
Heute 16.11.
Heute 31.10.
Krone 10.11.
Kärntner Tageszeitung 3.11.
Tiroler Tageszeitung 6.10.
Raiffeisen Zeitung 9.11.
Salzburger Nachrichten 6.10.
Wiener Zeitung 6.10.
Heads of Festival: Gaby Pflügl (theater super.nova), Pamela Schartner (theater super.nova), Barbara Klein (KosmosTheater)
Organisation: Gaby Pflügl, Pamela Schartner
Press: Gaby Müller-Klomfar
Video: Katharina Lampert, Johanna Kirsch
Photo: Carolina Frank
Best-Girl: Ulli Komzak
Technics: Helen Farnik, Tom Barcal, Susanne Tauber, Peter Pahl-Hirsch
Organisation KosmosTheater: Silke Felber
Communication KosmosTheater: Beate Schneider
Samantha Anciães (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Anat Bernstein (Igrarama), ISR
Hilary Chaplain, USA
Karla Concá (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Gardi Hutter, CH
Helga Jud (tris), A
Barbara Kraus, A
Anna-Florentine König (Schnell & Grell), D
Martha Laschkolnig, A
Christina Matuella (tris), A
Albina Matuzko, UKR
Micaela Miranda (Igrarama), ISR/POR
Lila Monti, ARG
Aina Moreno (Tè a tres), ESP
Uschi Nocchieri, A
Andréa Padilha (Pé de Vento), BRA
Yaara Perah (Igrarama), ISR
Pepe Pivec (Schnell & Grell), D
Pepa Plana, ESP
Nola Rae, GB
Tanja Rainalter (tris), A
Caroline Richards, A/GB
Vera Lucia Ribeiro (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Elke Maria Riedmann, A
Christina Scheutz, A
Ingeborg Schwab, A
Tanja Simma (Comicompany & Co), A
Silvi Spechtenhauser, A
Geni Viegas (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Verena Vondrak, A
Vanderléia Will (Pé de Vento), BRA
Maayan Winstock (Igrarama), ISR
Martina Winkler, A
Gardi Hutter (CH)
"Joan of ArPpo"
Without words
Wednesday, Dec. 3rd 2008 (7.30 p.m.) and Thursday, Dec. 4th 2008 (7.30 p.m.)
Photo: Gardi Hutter
Idea: Gardi Hutter and Ferruccio Cainero
With: Gardi Hutter
Direction: Ferruccio Cainero
A sloppy laundry woman dreams of becoming a heroine like Joan of Arc, but lacking worthy enemies she transforms her washhouse into a grotesque battle field.
Curriculum Vitae
Born in Switzerland
1974-77: Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zurich
1978-81: CRT – Centro di ricerca per il teatro – Milano
Concentration on clowning. Collaboration with “maestros”:
Nani Colombaioni - “I Colombaioni”, known of the Fellini Film: “I Clowns”
Mario Gonzales - Pantalone of the “Théâtre du soleil”, Paris
Ferruccio Cainero -Teatro Ingenuo, Italian clowngroup
2700 performances in 22 countries and 4 continents, including Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, Brazil, China, Spain, Andorra, and the United States
26 boxes full of critics and reviews
Creations of sketches for TV and films
SOLO SHOWS (author & performer)
“Joan of ArPpo” – a laundry comedy (1981)
“Cheese” – a mouse comedy (1988)
“The prompter” – a theatre underground comedy (2003)
Performance in the Swiss National Parliament as fool chairwoman for the 700 year anniversary of Switzerland 1991
5 in Switzerland, among these: “SWISS THEATRE AWARD 2005”- “RING OF HANS REINHART 1990”, 3 in Germany, 2 in France, USA: FringeNYC - New York International Fringe Festival 2007 OVERALL EXCELLENCE AWARD - OUTSTANDING ACTOR Andorra: Festival Internacional de Pallasses- PREMI AL MILLOR ESPECTACLE 2007
BOOKS about GH: “Gardi Hutter – die CLOWNerin” Panorama Editionand portraits of her in various other books
3 books for children - Illustration: Cathrine Louis, 1 book for adults
(Text taken from Gardi Hutter's homepage: