clownin 2008
Patronage: Johanna Dohnal, Minister for Women, ret.
Opening: Sandra Frauenberger, Councilwoman for Women
Introduction to Clown
Held by: LILA MONTI (clown, actress, director, teacher), from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Saturday, November 29th, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. (6 hours with one break)
And Sunday, November 30th, 11 a.m. -6 p.m. (6 hours with one break)
At Grüne Galerie, Hermanngasse 25, 1070 Wien
Price: € 95,-- (without food) for both days
Number of participants: min. 10, max. 15 (for women and men)
Registration via Email:
Account number: 00510-035-607
BLZ: 60.000 (PSK)
IBAN: AT896000000510035607
The workshop is for adults who are interested in clowning. Beginners are welcome.
The workshop is held in english.
The workshop teaches the basics for beginner clowns.
For example, contact with the public, play and imagination, transforming impulse into action, handling joy and failure, improvisation (solo and group), etc.

Women in the conflicting fields of "art - humour - poverty"
Lectures and panel discussion
Monday, December 1st (6.30 p.m.)
At KosmosTheater
How poor must one be to lose their sense of humour?
How precarious do the circumstances have to be to lose the ability to laugh?
Is humour a question of money?
Is it possible to make good art, if one is poor?
Or is it only possible to make good art, if one is poor?
If poverty is female, why is art so male dominated?
Introductory presentations Yaara Perah (Israel), Geni Viegas (Brazil) and Barbara Kraus (Austria)
followed by a panel discussion
Moderation: Michaela Moser
Translation is provided. Free entry!
Web Clownin 08Kronen Zeitung Chaos, Charme und viel Perfidie Rote Nasen und Krieg à la Clown Netzstrümpfe statt Ringelsocken
Die Jüdische "Nehmt eure kugelsichere Weste mit" Wer hat Angst vor Clowninnen? Künstlerin bis in die Nasenspitze Zum eigenen Humor bekennen - und zu Schwächen Die Wahrheit durch die rote Nase sehen
punkt Es darf gelacht werden Clownfrauenfestival Frauenberger eröffnete Internationales Festival "clownin" in Wien
Ö1 online
ORF Wien online
a.viso 23.11.Winterzeit 2.12.
Ö1 - Leporello 02.12.
Radio Wien
Radio Arabella
Die Presse 1.12.
Die Presse 4.12.
Der Standard 1.12.
Wiener Zeitung 1.12.
Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung 5.12.
Kurier 8.12.
Kurier 28.11.
Die ganze Woche 29.11.
Falter 29.11.
Anschläge 12/06-01/07
Augustin 191
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Österreich 4.12.
OK Graz 6.10.
OK Kärnten 6.10.
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Heute 31.10.
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Kärntner Tageszeitung 3.11.
Tiroler Tageszeitung 6.10.
Raiffeisen Zeitung 9.11.
Salzburger Nachrichten 6.10.
Wiener Zeitung 6.10.
Heads of Festival: Gaby Pflügl (theater super.nova), Pamela Schartner (theater super.nova), Barbara Klein (KosmosTheater)
Organisation: Gaby Pflügl, Pamela Schartner
Press: Gaby Müller-Klomfar
Video: Katharina Lampert, Johanna Kirsch
Photo: Carolina Frank
Best-Girl: Ulli Komzak
Technics: Helen Farnik, Tom Barcal, Susanne Tauber, Peter Pahl-Hirsch
Organisation KosmosTheater: Silke Felber
Communication KosmosTheater: Beate Schneider
Samantha Anciães (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Anat Bernstein (Igrarama), ISR
Hilary Chaplain, USA
Karla Concá (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Gardi Hutter, CH
Helga Jud (tris), A
Barbara Kraus, A
Anna-Florentine König (Schnell & Grell), D
Martha Laschkolnig, A
Christina Matuella (tris), A
Albina Matuzko, UKR
Micaela Miranda (Igrarama), ISR/POR
Lila Monti, ARG
Aina Moreno (Tè a tres), ESP
Uschi Nocchieri, A
Andréa Padilha (Pé de Vento), BRA
Yaara Perah (Igrarama), ISR
Pepe Pivec (Schnell & Grell), D
Pepa Plana, ESP
Nola Rae, GB
Tanja Rainalter (tris), A
Caroline Richards, A/GB
Vera Lucia Ribeiro (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Elke Maria Riedmann, A
Christina Scheutz, A
Ingeborg Schwab, A
Tanja Simma (Comicompany & Co), A
Silvi Spechtenhauser, A
Geni Viegas (As Marias da Graça), BRA
Verena Vondrak, A
Vanderléia Will (Pé de Vento), BRA
Maayan Winstock (Igrarama), ISR
Martina Winkler, A
Hilary Chaplain (USA)
„A Life In Her Day“
Saturday, Dec. 6th (7.30 pm)
Photo: Hilary Chaplain
Austrian premiere
Without words
Actress: Hilary Chaplain
Director: Avner Eisenberg
Unconventional and outrageously funny, A Life In Her Day is a wonderful mix of physical comedy and serious theatre about a Jewish woman in her publicly shared private world. An original amalgam of Lucille Ball and Charlie Chaplin, Hilary Chaplain is a quirky physical comedienne who exposes her most intimate moments as she chases the elusive promises of happily ever after. Audiences engage and participate in her wild theatrical antics and ultimately find themselves transported, moved and enriched by this extraordinary evening on the stage.
In transforming simple objects into human companions, Hilary’s character gets caught up in an alternate reality. While pouring a bowl of cereal, out pops a prize: a big diamond ring. From here a lifetime ensues in the course of an hour in a lovely and humorous portrait of a woman who wants the same thing as everyone else – to be loved. One thing leads to the next until she’s at the altar marrying a lamp with a paper towel veil and a dress made from the lampshade. Her adventures continue with a Hawaiian honeymoon, giving birth to a son fashioned from a roll of paper towels, and becoming a rabbi wearing a Hostess Snowball yarmulke performing a bris on her newborn. In the end, the audience is left with the sense that everything she needs can be created and that all she really needs is herself.
„A Life In Her Day“won the “Excellent Award for Solo Show” (New York International Fringe Festival).
Hilary Chaplain has been recognized as one of America’s foremost professional physical comediennes, performing her original solo and ensemble work for over a decade throughout the US, Canada, South America ,Europe and Asia. Uncovering the humor in everyday life, Hilary’s extraordinary work has won accolades worldwide. She is also a founding member of the New York Goofs (est.1998) appearing with them in prestigious New York venues such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Avery Fisher Hall, the American Museum of Natural History, Symphony Space, and on tour at Wolf Trap with Bob McGrath from Sesame Street.
As an actress, Hilary was an original cast member in Bill Irwin's Largely/New York and appeared on Broadway and at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park as the Goddess Ceres in the New York Shakespeare Festival production of The Tempest directed by George C. Wolfe. Regionally, Hilary has worked with the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and with Israel Horowitz’s Gloucester Stage Company. She also played a featured role in the 1994 Oscar winning movie Forrest Gump, a lawyer on Law and Order Criminal Intent and made a special appearance on Late Night with David Letterman.
Hilary was an adjunct professor of clowning at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts for eight years and has taught numerous workshops in clowning and physical comedy. Known as "Nurse Nice", she has been entertaining hospitalized children with the renowned Big Apple Circus Hospital Clown Program® (since 1987) and has been invited to teach Hospital Clowning internationally.
With “A Life in Her Day” it’s Hilarys first appearance in Austria.
Chaplain manages to go beyond mere slapstick and develops a sympathetic character that the audience can latch on to.... Time Out New York
I strongly recommend that everyone go and see Hilary Chaplain’s one-woman-and-a-few-props-show, this wonderful wacky and quirky story of you, or of your cousin, your girlfriend, your ex-wife…
It’s beautifully funny and sad, and very human… Charleston City Paper
Hilary Chaplain isn’t your typical clown. You laugh all the way through “A Life in her day”… South China Morning Post